Saturday, March 5, 2011

So Long, February

Dear Readers,

I wish I could lie to you and say that the excitement of my second month back from break is equivalent to that of my second month here during first term.  Alas, I'm much too much the honest type and am here to report that the end-of-winter gloomies continue to exist, even in Canterbury.  Take extremely grey weather, add in major schoolwork overload, stir in a dash of annoyances and you've got a recipe for the Winter Blues.  Don't get me wrong -- I'm still loving the fact that I'm in England, but I'm now convinced that the last weeks of February are anything but kind to us, no matter where we spend them.

I spent several days in the library and at my desk churning out essays for my Film and Literature courses.  I wrote about the significance of rebellious Latin American women and their portrayal in a few films we've watched, and the role of doctors in the Victorian gothic novel.  During and after writing these essays, I still had lectures, seminars, a couple of novels to read, several films to watch, and an oral presentation to present.  Needless to say, I needed some kind of excitement -- other than the kind that comes with finding and checking out the only text on tuberculosis in the 1800s before the next person and jumping for joy upon reaching the word count before then struggling to stay under it.

So, what better distraction than a totally impromptu piercing?

Why my nose?  Well, let's admit it -- it's not the cute, girl-next-door button nose that's kind of essential nowadays and because of that, it's always been something I've been extremely self-conscious about.  (Tormenting from kids back in my younger years wasn't much fun either!)  Anyway, I decided it's time to embrace what I've got, and what better way than to present my nose with a diamond? :)  Don't worry, family and concerned, I did put some thought into it.  It's tiny, and it's removable, and hey, it's much cheaper than getting a new nose altogether!

Truth be told, I love it!

Of course, this only allowed a few hours away from the books... and I was back at it in what seemed like no time.  My hard work paid off though, and I finished both essays a few days earlier than the deadlines. So, I proofread as much as my brain could handle and turned them in, giving myself a few days to relax and finish my reading for this week's seminars.

It also gave me a chance to go into town and complete my mission to find a coin machine.  The amount of coins one accumulates in England is ridiculous and I have had a bag full for some time.  Unfortunately, a stop in every bank and money exchange in town was quite pointless -- with no bank account, they are unable to change coins into bills.  I was told a few times though that Sainsbury's (a large, classier grocery than the ones I typically visit) had a Coinstar machine.  I took an early morning bus last Friday into town, with absolutely no idea where this store was located, and hoped for the best.  Luckily for me, there happened to be construction on the main road that day and the bus took an alternate route, allowing me to see an entirely new side of town.  I figured that must have been the only part of town I hadn't passed through yet, and would only make sense that Sainsbury's would be in that direction, as it's the only main store I hadn't come across yet.  After lots and lots of walking, I spotted shopping carts?!  Those exist in this country?!  And then, there it was.  I was extremely happy to be leaving with a much lighter load to carry and a little disappointed that I forgot my camera for the adventure.

That same day, I thought I would take a bus to Herne Bay, a seaside town, since it was lovely and sunny outside.  I checked the times and decided I'd run back home to get my camera and some lunch before heading out.  Of course, it began raining just as I was about to leave, and has not entirely stopped yet.  For a few days, I took advantage of having finished loads of work and the poor weather by catching up on my sleep.

Leigh Anne and I met up to chat and have a few drinks over the weekend.  We're both beyond excited for Dublin -- the week after next!  We stayed on campus, visiting both Woody's and K-Bar, where I experienced my first ale... definitely something I need food with from now on!  And ordered shots with names too inappropriate to share here, as I'm trying to keep this G-rated.  Let's just say it was awkward to even order them!

Tuesday, a group of us went out for some much needed laugh-time and Mexican food!

We found ourselves at Tacos Locos, a very lively, very colorful, very loud, very Mexican restaurant that I vow to visit again before I leave!

Yes, this picture is right side up.  Sombreros
and signs all over the ceiling.  Jennifer
Lopez and the macarena on repeat in the back. 
We encountered, yet again, ridiculously inappropriate drink names and had a rather hefty bill at the end, but considering there were seven of us and who knows how many beverages, I suppose it wasn't so bad.  Thankfully, we decided to go on a night they offer special prices!

The past few days, you guessed it, I've been researching for another essay.  I plan on knocking it out today as I have a novel and a short story to read (Oscar Wilde, just in time for a visit to his old stomping grounds in Dublin!) and three films to watch for next week.  Trust me, I am just as anxious for Spring Break as any of you in the states.  I know that all of this work in school will be beyond worth the month of freedom I get to travel before exams and returning home, so I've been keeping my chin up and attitude positive the best that I can!

In conclusion, the last half of February made it one of those miss-the-bus-by-ten-seconds-three-days-in-a-row-wait-on-a-dryer-for-two-hours-the-printer-just-stole-half-of-my-printer-credits-can't-wait-to-not-be-living-with-18-year-olds-changing-my-paper's-thesis-last-minute-did-I-really-just-eat-an-entire-box-of-pasta-in-one-sitting-stop-making-plans-they'll-just-get-rained-out kind of months.  Yep, some days it feels just like home.  Fortunately, March is here, and I expect he'll be a bit more kind.

There are many ways in which Canterbury has begun to more positively feel like home though.  Seeing familiar faces on campus and in town, favorite hang-out spots, using British slang and phrases in everyday conversation, being able to point tourists in the right direction, making exact change without thinking about which coin is which, distinguishing what area someone is from based on their accent, and dealing with fifty degree, sunny weather one day and thirty degree, rainy weather the next.  I'm starting to think I've got a pretty decent handle on this English thing!

I will try my best to have more exciting updates next time.  There is a very likely chance I will be visiting London before our trip to Dublin, and there's always something to say about London!  In addition, this coming week is International Women's Week (March 8 is International Women's Day!) and there is lots planned to celebrate it on campus.  See?  March is looking lush  :)

I hope this finds you feeling at home, wherever you may be.


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